It was Valentine's day eve and I was all pepped up for the D day in my life. Well, just to remind you guys once again, this is my first Valentine which I was to spend with my beloved. Rebecca Desouza, who lives near by is my best friend or should I say my only close friend. We have a mutual understanding like no one else can have. And I tell you she is a perfect combination of beauty with brains. For me Valentine's day is a very big occasion. I was very happy and so was Rebecca. She was preparing some list of dos and don’t sitting on my favourite black couch when suddenly my mobile rang. It was him on the other line and I like a princess gave a sweet smile to Rebecca and moved on to my balcony.
Things were moving fine until he popped up with the issue of going abroad on the same day. I thought, damn his boss! Just because he is not married he won’t even let others be happy. This was the time he had been waiting for years. Going abroad and giving his presentations would be the ultimate move towards his golden career. But then what about my first D day for I can give my life to live and relive that moment. Though my remorse would have never come to an end still I bade him goodbye, unknown about the deep lying reason.
That night i was sleepless. I didn’t have the slightest clue that whatever he had said last night was a lie . It was still the wee hours of the morning when my door bell rang. My eyes were still half close and puffy because I cried the whole night; I went downstairs and opened the door. What I saw next was unbelievable. It was him standing on the door with a small grin in his face and also with a big gift. What was more surprising was his idiotic sense of gifting. He bought me the latest microwave oven. Yet another home appliance as a gift! Guess my words aren’t enough to describe that very moment. With tears filled eyes I hugged him and we came inside.
Well, the day went cooking and experimenting different dishes in my new microwave oven.Labels: Home Kitchen Appliances |